Suggestions of practicing hirudologists participants of the 3rd Symposium of the International Association of Hirudotherapists and Hirudologists in Tiflis 01-05.09.18
1.      The number of absolute contraindications need to be reduced:
a.      Anemia of the 1st degree (you can take a course of fact acting iron supplements)
b.     Gastritis (ulcer ventriculi) (many doctors have such patients in their practice, the effect of hirudotherapy is positive)
c.   All diseases in the treatment of which anticoagulant therapy is applied: it requires drugs abolition a week before the start of hirudotherapy, conduction of blood coagulation factor test, that will determine whether hirudotherapy is possibal.
d.  Allergic diseases (many doctors have such patients in their practice, the effect of hirudotherapy is positive)
e.       Colloidal scars
2.      Review and avoid a question of the application of hirudotherapy in oncology and autoimmune diseases
3.      Extend the list of readings:
a.       pediatrics;
b.      autism;
c.       DCP;
d.      titel, sinusitis;
e.       flexible diseases.
4.      Change the amount of leeches (treatment) used in the session to 3-20 depending on age, weight and diagnosis.
5.      High level of hirudotherapist education should be provided by the introduction of additional practical exercises into the curriculum
6.      Hirudotherapist training program should include at least 96 hours: 30% 30% of the time devoted to learning history, leech biology, but most of the time should be devoted to the diseases pathogenesis study, indications and contraindications, setting points and practical exercises.